Black lives matter. Black lives matter in the arts. Black lives matter in the theatre.

Worldwide, protesters are demanding the end of police violence against black bodies and justice for the people who have been systematically oppressed and discriminated against for over 400 years.

As a community theatre led predominantly by white people, we are seeking to understand our power and responsibility in this movement. We strive to listen and learn from a place of humility, knowing that we will never fully understand. We have made mistakes in the past. We will probably make mistakes again.

We believe we have a responsibility to our performers, audiences, volunteers, and community to help to actively dismantle white supremacy through anti-racist actions. Anything less is choosing to uphold institutional racism through inaction. Because we choose whose stories are told and who is telling them, silence is not an option.

While we don’t have all the answers, we are committed to listening, researching, and reflecting in order to create and hold ourselves accountable to a specific anti-racist plan. As an initial gesture, we will be donating to Urban Triage and Urban League of Greater Madison - the first step in our ongoing commitment to listen, grow, and be part of the movement.

Finally, we have long celebrated the role of the arts in bringing comfort, catharsis, and ultimately change to our community. Thank you to all the people of color who have shared your stories, talents, and time with us in the theatre over the years.

In recognizing that risks of large assemblies are likely to continue for many months, this summer, we ask that our patrons instead contribute to the ongoing efforts of people of color and the businesses that strive to eliminate racial disparity and inequity. If you are in a position to make a contribution to these necessary organizations, please click the donation links below, and we sincerely thank you for supporting this cause alongside MPT.